There are many ads out there which show the fantastic sites to get discovered in Michigan, and you may have come across a few. The images featured in such ads are breathtaking, and you may wonder if the pictures get touched up in a bid to lure tourists to the state. The natural beauty in these photos and videos do not get enhanced in any way at all. In fact, it may get downplayed. Pure Michigan is a slogan that has caught on in the recent years, and it is a campaign used to attract tourists to the region. This state suffered economically for a while before tourism got a boost. As a tourist, you will be in a position to view beauty at its best ranging from beautiful dunes to beaches and fantastic forest lands. Michigan has four of the Great Lakes surrounding it, and you can be on the beach in a matter of hours. If you are a wine lover, make a stop at Bordeaux where you can sample various types of wine, so you no longer have to go to France for this. You also get to see acres of apple trees and to participate in cherry festivals. The outdoors fun is unending. Let me give you a few of the most amazing spots to visit while in Michigan. Having seen these fantastic places in Michigan, you will get to understand the true meaning of Pure Michigan.
This city is the capital of Michigan, and it has various facilities that serve the needs of different age groups. To start with, it has famous museums with artefacts from Indian tribes as well as restaurants that have been in existence for ages such as Golden Harvest. The success of these spots is due to the fantastic dishes served that have customers coming back for more each time. The nightlife in East Lansing is impressive, aided by the nearby MSU campus. You can party all night long and eat at the hipster restaurants in the area. Also, get to enjoy various kinds of ice creams and cheeses produced in the campus.
Who loves Christmas? I know I do. Frankenmuth town has the most significant Christmas store on earth known as Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland. This city came to be over one hundred and fifty years ago and has a German name as most of its residents have some German origin. It lies to the east of Michigan and has proximity to large cities in the region such as Saginaw and Detroit. The town got voted as an ideal place in Michigan for tourists to take a one day trip and it would be an excellent idea for you to spend an entire day in this quaint town. You get to visit the most fabulous Christmas store on earth where you get to see all kinds of decorations which you can use for various occasions. The statues and gifts on sale at the store will have your holiday spirits up in a matter of minutes as it is indeed a wonderland. Once you are done shopping for amazing decorations, have a bite at the Zhender’s eatery located in the south of the town. The chicken dishes will have your mouth watering for more. They prepare their meals in family-style and their seating capacity stands at over one thousand five hundred guests. It is a great place to take the kids for lunch.
Traverse City
If you love cherries, be sure to make a stop at this beautiful town which many refer to as the cherry capital in the globe. This city does much more than produce cherries. Its climate is suitable for the growth of grapes which get used in the making of wine, and you will get treated to a large selection of wines. With thirty wineries at your disposal, finding the perfect drink will not be a hurdle. For beer drinkers, there are incredible distilleries in the city which provide various types of beers. Festivals are quite common in this town, and you will find many activities in the arts and entertainment sectors. In the summer, this city has a film festival where various works of arts get shown such as documentaries and films. The National Cherry Festival takes place in July, and it has an annual audience of more than half a million tourists. It would be great if you could travel to Michigan around this time where you get to sample different kinds of cherries and get to see their various uses. The town also has an active nightlife where you can party through the night. Restaurants, outdoor activities as well as shopping centres are in plenty, and you will not have a dull moment at any point while in the city.
Mackinac Island
A Michigan trip would not be complete if you did not make your way to this island. The purity of this island is so high that you can compare its atmosphere to that of a little heaven on earth. No engines are allowed on the island, and you walk, cycle or use horse-drawn carriages. As you tour the island, you will come across nature trails, beaches, picnic sites and landmarks. You can exercise along the paths as you get to know more about the island.